
Thank you for supporting Tyger Tea or just checking out what we're all about.🐯

We wanted to let everyone know what to expect from The Tyger Scoop. It will mostly be used to update what charities Tyger Tea is contributing to, how much is being donated, and how those donations will be used.

Whenever we can, we will go onsite to see the animals and learn how each organization works. Expect lots of pictures of the different critters you are helping when you buy Tyger Tea! There may even be an occasional picture of the little Tygers we have onsite...

It will also be a space for product plans/updates and anything else related to Tyger Tea that we can think of- like questions from you!

Please check this space for updates or sign up for The Tyger Scoop to have it delivered to your inbox. (No spam, we promise!)

BTW- Our tea blends will be available for purchase very soon and, once they are, an announcement will be posted here. Woo!

Thank You,


Gary Davis    

Founder of Tyger Tea                                                                                                     

                    orange tabby cat looking down from a tree branch with a bright blue sky in the background

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